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Our Blog
Worship Dance – A Prophetic Cry for Freedom
Jesus LOVES his bride. As my young niece would say expressing her love for me…He loooooooooooooooooves his bride. Imagine the groom...
A Deadly Hinderance to Worship in Dance: Jealousy and Competition
Jealousy is one hindrance that will keep us from seeking His face. It breeds a spirit of competition that has no patience to wait for God...
The Dance of Intimacy: Longing to be embraced by Abba Father
Within one hour of meeting her, she not only told me that she loved me, but also expressed her desire to to marry me. I must confess I...
The Dance of Intimacy: Seeking His Face
Jesus is never merely interested in simply having a dance with you, walking you back to your seat when the song ends, and then looking...
Dancing with Jesus and Learning to Wait for His Lead
Imagine that one night you are woken from your sleep and Jesus is standing there, His hand extended toward you, and He is asking you,...
The Divine Ballerina
di-vine (di-vin) 1. Relating to, emanating from, or being the expression of God As worship dancers we must be careful to continually draw...
The dance of ever increasing intimacy with God
The vitality of our relationship with God is the foundation upon true worship in movement dance rests and is expressed. A worship dancer...
The God Who Pursues You
Your Heavenly Father desires a close and caring relationship with you. It is one thing to have the Bible tell you that. It is another...
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