Your Heavenly Father desires a close and caring relationship with you. It is one thing to have the Bible tell you that. It is another thing to really know it in your heart. Stop for a moment and think about that. How much to you think your Heavenly Father loves you? A little, somewhat, or He cannot say enough good about you? The answer to your question will greatly influence how deeply you can grow and mature as a worship dancer. There is no right or wrong answer, just an honest answer. He knows exactly what you believe about His love for you before you even stopped to think about your answer. What will pull on His heart is that your answer to Him is honest. He is looking for the answer that comes from your heart, not your head.
He is absolutely captivated by you. He isn’t into sending you a quick text message here and there. He writes long love letters to you every day, and if you are listening you will hear His heartbeat for you. He communicates His love to you, not only in words, but also in a thousand different ways, always hoping you will recognize His signature on that moment.
A friend and I decided to sleep out under the stars last summer. If you have children you know that there is no sleeping in. Sure enough his daughter came out on the deck to join us bright and early, first thing in the morning. Flopping down on his chest and stomach, she begins to kiss him again and again, saying “Daddy, Daddy, Daddy”. She tells him how much she loves him and continues to kiss him. Constantly she calls him “Daddy”, which we know is how intimately God wants us to address Him ” “You have received a spirit of adoption as sons (and daughters) by which we call out ‘Abba Father'”.(Romans 8:15).
These kisses were no little pecks on the cheek. They were planted full front and center on his mouth. This girl really loved her father and she was on a mission to make sure there was no doubt in His mind about the matter of her love for him. I sat mesmerized by this bold display of affection between father and daughter. It went on for the better part of five minutes. So enamored with her father, she was not fazed at all by my presence there. It was like I didn’t’t even matter.
After she left, I asked my friend if she is usually that intimate with him. He said it was rather unusual and that she had never done anything quite like that before. Immediately the Heavenly Father spoke to me and said, “I was showing you the kind of relationship I have with you, and with what love and abandonment I want you to come to me”.
I was blown away by what He just showed me. That intimate! You want me that close? You mean, no matter how I feel, how good or bad my day is going, even if you seem a million miles away from me, I can come to you like that! Any time, all the time! My love means that much to you. Wow.
I pass this story on to you, that, by the Spirit of God, you might grab it and run with confidence into your Father’s arms in this moment. Want to make His day today? Take the time to tell Him how much you love Him. Come on. Don’t wait another minute. There He is, laying there, pretending He is sleeping, yet hoping you will come over. Go lay on His belly, kiss His face and tell Him that you love Him. You’ve got nothing to lose and everything to gain.
I promise you. He won’t push you away. He is Abba, Father. Your Daddy.